ISSUE #3: Health

KPI: Child Immunisation Rates (NIR)

Source: Te Whatu Ora / Health NZ

AKA: healthcare, hospitals

Key notes

  1. Health KPIs are in a really poor state. There’s no way to sugarcoat it. The only data series we can find over many years and successive goernments are child immunisations.
  2. The y (vertical) axis starts at 70% and not 0%. This is a common representation of the data, and that used by the New Zealand Medical Journal, since 1% shifts in vaccination rates have a significant impact on health outcomes. A scale from 0-100% hides these insights.
  3. The prioritisation of, and method of the roll-out, of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations and vaccine mandates appears to have had an impact on more traditional childhood vaccination rates. Context and judgments like this are subjective, so they are impossible to show in a graph. It is up to each reader to evaluate the proportion of responsibility they place on each government over the timeframe shown, versus factors outside of their control.
  4. From 2024 Q1, the denominator of eligable children changed from NIR (the National Immunisation Register) to AIR (Aotearoa Immunisation Register). This was done to improve the accuracy of immunisation rates. Health NZ have calculated the difference between NIR and AIR as of 2023 Q4, and the AIR denominator is 3.74515% larger. As such, we have adjusted all figures from 2024 Q1 back to their NIR equivalent so that we can make an apples-with-apples comparison. In time, with more AIR quarterly results, we will switch all numbers over to an AIR equivalent.
  5. Remember that each Labour-led or National-led government has had coalition partners that share the successes, and the failures, with them. A full list of governments for this time range is at the bottom of this page.

Data sources

Data shown:

  • % of children immunised by milestone age.

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